Узнать что либо у женщины невозможно в любом возрасте. Девичья память, плавно переходит в женские секреты, а затем в старческий склероз)))))XD)))))
Author ella_bane
Rating:............... NC-17
Pairings:......... Harry/Draco, implied Ron/Hermione
Warnings:............ Very graphic sex, along with mild D/s themes
Author's notes:.......... I could not have completed this monster without the help of three remarkable women: aspen (cursescar), djin7, and slytherinboyz. Their constant encouragement, critical feedback, and incredible patience kept me going. Thank you, thank you, thank you; I'm more grateful than you'll ever know.
Rating:............... NC-17
Pairings:......... Harry/Draco, implied Ron/Hermione
Warnings:............ Very graphic sex, along with mild D/s themes
Author's notes:.......... I could not have completed this monster without the help of three remarkable women: aspen (cursescar), djin7, and slytherinboyz. Their constant encouragement, critical feedback, and incredible patience kept me going. Thank you, thank you, thank you; I'm more grateful than you'll ever know.
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